new you keto energy circulating all right from here

new you keto energy circulating all right from here plant your hands on either side of your chest tuck your toes underneath you we're going to press into a downward facing dog lift your hips up high press through your hands your spine creating more space then exhale and fold it down and again plant your hands on your mat step back into your plank pose the top of a push-up I challenge you to keep your knees lifted this time and as you're ready reach your hips up and back straight into that downward dog and again inhale and reach forward into your plank pose see if you can keep your belly lifted and toned coming back to the top of a push-up reach your heart forward then exhale and send your hips back moving back into that downward facing dog so we'll move through this transition a couple more times move at your own pace and honor the rhythm of your own breath as you inhale come forward into your plank pose and as you exhale move back into your downward facing dog and one last time co

me all the way forward into your plank keep your arms and shoulders and back toned and exhale into your downward facing dog so here I invite you to pedal your knees out right and left this is going to help you get a deeper stretch in the backs of your calves an new you keto diet d hamstrings so again we're working on improving your flexibility here keep your belly scooping up and in so we never want our belly to be flopped out and relaxed we want to keep it toned and firm right we're working off those french fries and that ice cream and that pizza we had last night right we want to stay strong and help you by toning the muscles in your core from here lift your right leg up and back behind you it doesn't have to go very high but I want you to keep your leg really straight and strong it's like a tree trunk powerful leg then bend your knee in towards your chest tuck your chin to your chest like you're tucking into a tiny little ball and feel your belly squeezing in towards your Center then from here step your foot forward between your hands now 


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